Primal Blog

Why Everyone Should Use Positive Affirmations

February 3, 2022

Why Everyone Should Use Positive Affirmations Positive affirmations are words or phrases that bring more positivity and optimism into your life. These phrases can be said to yourself every day to remind you why you want to keep a positive attitude, help you express gratitude, and keep you on the…

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Why You Should Hydrate Before You Caffeinate

February 1, 2022

Why You Should Hydrate Before You Caffeinate Have you ever heard of the phrase “hydrate before you caffeinate”? This means to drink a glass of water before you have your coffee or any other type of caffeine. Here are some reasons why this is a healthy habit to start doing…

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Bone Broth For Gut Health

January 27, 2022

Bone Broth to Help Heal Your Gut What is bone broth? Bone broth is derived from simmering animal or fish cartilage, tendons, and bones for hours at a time. It is widely used in many cultures around the world to aid in restoring or strengthening overall health. One particular health…

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