Primal Blog


March 31, 2022

It Treats Insect Bites Activated charcoal can help treat insect bites and rashes from poison ivy or poison oak. To treat a mosquito bite or a bee sting, mix a capsule of activated charcoal with 1/2 tablespoon of coconut oil. Dab onto the affected area and reapply every 30 minutes…

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Signs and Symptoms You Need More Self Care

March 29, 2022

Signs and Symptoms You Need More Self Care For a lot of people, it isn’t always easy to know that they are experiencing the negative effects of self neglect. It can happen very easily to anyone when they have life elements like children, financial issues, feelings of inadequacy, or physical…

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3 Primal Babe Lettuce Wrap Ideas

March 24, 2022

Enjoy These 3 Primal Babe Lettuce Wrap Ideas If you want to follow the Paleo diet in the spring, it involves using a lot of veggies that are in season, including all your leafy greens. This often leads to enjoying a nice lettuce wrap. Here are some different types of…

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